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1x11 - Paris is Burning » Gilmore Girls » Odcinki • seriale forumtv.pl




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Postdodano 19 lis 2006, o 17:29

1x11 - Paris is Burning

As Lorelai and Max grow closer, Rory begins to get attached to the idea of Max in their lives, which freaks Lorelai out; Sookie and Lorelai have a frank talk about relationships; Lorelai tries to ease out of her relationship with Max during Parent's Day at Chilton, but ends up passionately kissing him in his classroom just as Paris walks by; stung by the details in the newspapers about her parents' messy divorce, Paris tells everyone in the lunchroom about Max and Lorelai to deflect gossip away from her and towards Rory; Rory confronts Paris, gets an apology, and offers a sympathetic ear, which is grudgingly accepted; Sookie asks Jackson out on a date and he accepts.


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Posty: 3265

Postdodano 5 cze 2007, o 19:17

No więc tak: odcinek totalnie do bani, jedyne dobre to zerwanie Maxa z Lorelai. Konfrontacja Rory z Paris byłą jak zwykle bez sensu i bez profesjonalizmu i w ogóle co to za imie, Paris. :P Dobrze że nie Hilton. :)
We Are The World haiti


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Posty: 921

Lokalizacja: Gdańsk

Ulubiony serial:
Battlestar Galactica

Postdodano 5 cze 2007, o 19:33

też mi się odcinek nie bardzo podobał
chociaż płacząca Lorelai fajnie wygląda :D
My entire goal in life is to outlive my brother, inherit the family fortune, put all my sisters out on the street and live as frivolously as possible, have numerous wives, thousands of illegitimate children and die completely alone and leave every cent to a parrot named Polly


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Posty: 1578

Ulubiony serial:
doctor who

Postdodano 3 lut 2010, o 21:52

Odp: 1x11 - Paris is Burning

Ale Paris ma dziwny głos :P
Szkoda, że zerwali.
fan of british tv.
Oglądam: Hart Of Dixie, Super Fun Night, The Carrie Diaries, Dracula, The Crazy Ones, Ravenswood
Czekam na powrót: Doctor Who, Switched at Birth, The Fosters,Twisted, Baby Daddy
Do nadrobienia: Merlin


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Posty: 921

Lokalizacja: Gdańsk

Ulubiony serial:
Battlestar Galactica

Postdodano 4 lut 2010, o 11:17

Odp: 1x11 - Paris is Burning

Ktoś tu maratonik robi sobie?
My entire goal in life is to outlive my brother, inherit the family fortune, put all my sisters out on the street and live as frivolously as possible, have numerous wives, thousands of illegitimate children and die completely alone and leave every cent to a parrot named Polly


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Posty: 1578

Ulubiony serial:
doctor who

Postdodano 4 lut 2010, o 11:28

Odp: 1x11 - Paris is Burning

taktaktak, ja, doszłam do wniosku, że w końcu trzeba to zobaczyć, bo wcześniej nie miałam okazji.
fan of british tv.
Oglądam: Hart Of Dixie, Super Fun Night, The Carrie Diaries, Dracula, The Crazy Ones, Ravenswood
Czekam na powrót: Doctor Who, Switched at Birth, The Fosters,Twisted, Baby Daddy
Do nadrobienia: Merlin


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Posty: 921

Lokalizacja: Gdańsk

Ulubiony serial:
Battlestar Galactica

Postdodano 4 lut 2010, o 17:02

Odp: 1x11 - Paris is Burning

I bardzo dobrze :)
Długo już tego nie oglądałem ale chyba nie ma serialu który bym lepiej pamiętał :P
więc nawet mogę coś też pisać bo pewnie nie w każdym temacie tutaj pisałem
My entire goal in life is to outlive my brother, inherit the family fortune, put all my sisters out on the street and live as frivolously as possible, have numerous wives, thousands of illegitimate children and die completely alone and leave every cent to a parrot named Polly


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