2.05 Heroes of the Republic
Despite Pullo's advice, Vorenus and his family return to the Collegium with his family who is reunited, and cleansed of their ordeal. Octavian is denied a triumph and urges Cicero to endorse his bid to be made Consul in exchange for an agreement to allow Cicero to veto his actions. Octavian and Atia and Octavia are reunited. although Octavia disapproves of what her brother has become. Octavian takes both Cicero and the Senate by surprise with his first Consular act. Vorenus attempts' to make peace with Memmio and Cotta create suspicions that he has gone soft. Two adversaries patch up their differences in order to deal with Brutus and Cassius's army. [tv.com]
W końcu normalny Vorenus, już nie mogłam na niego patrzeć, kiedy się staczał.. Octavian wystawił Cycerona A ten się dał nabrać, dobry jest No i pogodzenie się Marka Antoniusza i Octaviana.. no cóż, musiał coś wymyślić, żeby nie zostać pokonanym przez Brutusa i Kasjusza.
Ostatnio edytowano 26 lut 2007, o 02:25 przez Nikola, łącznie edytowano 1 raz