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1x15 - Christopher Returns » Gilmore Girls » Odcinki • seriale forumtv.pl




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Posty: 263

Postdodano 19 lis 2006, o 17:30

1x15 - Christopher Returns

Wanting to play a greater role in Rory's life, Christopher settles in for his visit and lets Rory give him the grand tour of Stars Hollow. When his parents arrive in Hartford for a visit, Emily invites everyone to Friday night dinner, which turns out to be an unqualified disaster after Richard nearly comes to blows with Christopher's father over critical comments about Lorelai. In the aftermath of the ruined dinner party, Richard retreats to his study to calm down, Emily makes a plate for Rory in the kitchen and reassures her how much she is loved and regarded, and Christopher finds Lorelai on the balcony of her old bedroom and comforts her by repeating a little romantic history. The next morning, Lorelai awakens with a start, horrified that she forgot to help Luke paint the diner after dinner on Friday night. Grabbing a jacket, she races to the diner still clad in her pajamas, and begs Luke's forgiveness. He shrugs it off at first, but appears somewhat wounded when he realizes that Lorelai was with Christopher the night before. When Lorelai returns to the house, Christopher asks her to marry him and she regretfully turns him down, claiming he's not ready for the responsibility of a family quite yet. Christopher returns to California with the promise of doing a better job of staying in touch. The next morning, Lorelai surprises Luke by having the diner completely repainted when he arrives to open up for the day.


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Posty: 3265

Postdodano 8 cze 2007, o 01:41

Sam nie wiem jaki ten odcinek w ogóle był... Czo on mi się podobał czy nie, w pewnym momencie wyłączyłem i miałem już nie oglądać, chciałem napisać nawet tu na forum. :P Ale zapomniałem co chciałem zrobić po powrocie z kuchni. Ok, więc zatrzymany moment był na balkonie, nie chciałem tego... Wole Luke'a, spoko z niego koleś, uparty jak ja. Jedyne co mi się podobało to końcówka, jak Lorelai pomalowała "sklep żelazny". :D
We Are The World haiti


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Lokalizacja: Gdańsk

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Battlestar Galactica

Postdodano 8 cze 2007, o 13:25

Przez Chrisa to jest jeden z najgorszych odcinków tego sezonu :P
ale super scena jest gdy Luke pyta Lorelai kto to był ten facet z Rory na meczu
Lo: That would've been her dad.
Lu: Really? So that's...
Lo: The guy who impregnated me with Rory, yes.
Lu: He did a good job.
Lo: Impregnating me with Rory?
Lu: This has taken a very weird turn.
My entire goal in life is to outlive my brother, inherit the family fortune, put all my sisters out on the street and live as frivolously as possible, have numerous wives, thousands of illegitimate children and die completely alone and leave every cent to a parrot named Polly


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Posty: 1296

Postdodano 8 cze 2007, o 13:35

W ogóle sprawa z balkonem była totalnie niepotrzebna, no ale widać pomiędzy nimi już tak jest :P


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