Aaron Hotchner

"I don't make deals, I'm the guy who hunts guys like you."
Gender - Male
Birth Date - November 2, 1965
Family - Haley Hotchner (ex-wife; deceased), Jack Hotchner (son), Jessica Brooks (sister-in-law), Sean Hotchner (brother)
Job -BAU Unit Chief
Rank - Supervisory Special Agent
Specialty - Profiler
Status - Alive
Portrayed By - Thomas Gibson
His sidearm is a Glock 17, with a 26 backup at his ankle.
Hotch met his wife, Haley, at a theater group, which he joined to get close to her.
He is left-handed, a trait that he shares with Penelope Garcia.
Despite being left handed, he carries his sidearm and backup with his right hand.
He became a lawyer, following in his father's footsteps, and wanted for his younger brother to do the same.
His first case as the lead profiler in the BAU was that of the Boston Reaper in 1998 (Omnivore).
His favorite thing to listen to is the Beatles' White Album ("Just because Manson hijacked it doesn't mean it has to be ruined for the rest of us").
The character was named after A.E. Hotchner, an American novelist, biographer, and editor who, like Hotch, also went to law school.