In the series finale, the Greeks experience some life-altering changes. Casey finally discovers that she does not have the heart to fight for a cause that she does not believe in and decides to leave law school. Cappie tries to save the KT house and names Rusty as interim president. Rusty finds the task of saving the house too much to bear and relinquishes his title. Soon after, Cappie, Rusty, and the KT gang decide to have one last party before their house is destroyed by former KT alumn Lasker Parkes. Calvin tries to figure out his life's purpose and decides to take a semester off to travel to India (Heath decides to go with him). Rebecca finally confronts Evan about their relationship and Evan admits that he messed-up the relationship and the two become friends. Dale finally enters into a relationship with Laura, but gives Casey a surprise farewell kiss (to Cappie's surprise). Evan finally manages to become friends with Cappie after he unsuccessfully protested against the destruction of the KT house. Ashleigh moves out of Rusty's apartment and after talking to Casey, she decides that she wants to date Rusty. Rusty proves to be a great leader when he tries to get Lasker to change his mind about demolishing the KT house, and even though he fails, he earns the respect of his KT brothers (especially Cappie). Rusty becomes the new president of KT and vows to find a new home for the KTs. Ashleigh finally approaches Rusty and tells him that she wants to date him, they kiss. Cappie finally grows up: he graduates, and decides to face the uncertain future by leaving with Casey as the whole gang (Rusty, Calvin, Dale, Ashleigh, Evan and Rebecca) wave goodbye. [edit]
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